3 просмотров
The city of the "White nights" lies on the coast of the Gulf of Finland at the mouth of the river-Neva, one of the shortes, yet fullest rivers in Europe. This magnificent "Venice of the North" lies on 42 islands, connected by almost 500 bridges. It was establised to the island of "Hare" at the beginning of 18 century according to the will of the first Russian emperror-Peter the "Great, when in 1712 he moved the capital of Russia from Moscow to St.-Petersburg. Now you can see this unigue city by own eyes, you are welcome! Производство фильма 1996 года Фирмы "MARINA". Он стал основной для фильма "Блистательный Санкт-Петербург" - Дипломанта I степени Четвертого Российского фестиваля "Зодчество - 96" в номинации "Зодчество русских городов", который сталПродюсер М.В. Попова (в девичестве М.В.Мефодьева). https://vk.com/marinamef1960 @club225695486 STUDIO